The infographics of the book Revelation are divided in two types: timeline and structural. There is no mystery to understand. Timeline infos are constructed with a sequence of sometimes prophetic and sometimes historical facts, depending on how the content of a particular chapter unfolds. By the way, there is something amazing that often goes unnoticed and I need to tell you: The book of Revelation is a story! It is a big plot, having Jesus as our hero.
Now back to the infos and the subway lines. We needed some visual resource that would guide the reader's eyes to some specific places, giving the direction we wanted. During my research I came across the amazing and simple subway map method created by the electrical engineer Harry Beck. The method he developed for the London Underground and later adopted around the world inspired us to solve the question of guiding the reader through timeline infographics. In these infos we always have two dimensions: the first one is the timeline itself. The chronological sequence of the biblical text is presented in them. The second one refers to the heavenly sanctuary that is always at the top of the page. We had an issue to resolve, though: How could we make the reader see on paper the two dimensions of information offered by the biblical passage in a fluid way?
That's where Harry Beck and his mapping of the subway come in. The lines of the signaling system proposed by Beck were perfect to guide the reader's eyes without getting lost in the infographic. Below there is a preview of the infographic we made for Armageddon of chapter 16 and the sketch of this infographic. The lines highlighted in red connect the heavenly sanctuary to the timeline. :)
