When I looked closer at Revelation 4, I was like: Wow! :)
That needed to be drawn. I mean draw, you know? Not just narrated or written, but to be actually drawn! It had to be a visual narrative.
The biblical text of Revelation 4 presents several elements of the heavenly sanctuary, the command center of the universe. The way the episode is described suggests a sequence of structures, which surround or are around the throne of God. This was simply fascinating and needed to be shown, let's say, in more detail.
It went a long way to the final result. Dozens of scribbles and studies were made to reach the final structure we are proposing. Below I've put some of the original scribbles that helped shape the infographic of chapter 4 of the book Revelation.
This first scribble shows in a very rudimentary way what would be the floor plan of the heavenly sanctuary of Revelation 4.

In the next scribble we have the elements of the heavenly sanctuary more similar to the floor plan described in chapter 4. The elements are better arranged around the throne of God as suggested in the biblical text.

After creating a base to place the symbols in the Heavenly Sanctuary – the throne of God, the 4 living creatures, the 24 elders, the thousands of angels and other elements – came the idea of creating a drawing in another perspective of the "floor plan", something that could simulate a 3D structure. That was a very enjoyable stage. It was really cool to create it by scribbling and sketching the ideas of what would later become a very complex construction, and which was appropriately finished by the illustrator Vandir Dorta.

Maybe you are curious to see the finished image, but you will have to wait a little while. Before, I am willing to reveal something: that is the coolest illustration in the entire book!
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, I've put together the first sketch Vandir drew from the sketches and studies we made. :)
